FOR THE FIRST TIME, the ultimate solution to increase the score of writing in IELTS has been discovered. The solution is your familiarity with Task Response, Cohesion & Coherence, Grammar, and Vocabulary (IELTS Writing Assessment Criteria).
Chapter 1: Why you should read this book!
The first chapter of this book focuses on three main IELTS criticisms. The first and second critiques have been thoroughly responded to, and several modifications have been suggested. However, writing is still a challenging skill. Therefore, the chapter is followed by introducing the third IELTS critique, which is the lack of transparency in IELTS writing assessment criteria. Finally, the chapter is concluded by pointing to the importance of defining IELTS Writing Assessment Criteria (IELTS WAC) and attracting candidates’ attention to increase writing scores by understanding IELTS WAC.
Chapter 2: Theoretical WAC
The second chapter focuses on the four components of IELTS WAC, namely Task Response, Cohesion & Coherence, Grammar, and Vocabulary. The key to increasing writing scores is to be aware of these criteria. The chapter then explains that candidates should first theoretically and conceptually understand IELTS WAC and then learn how to use them in their writing. In chapter two, these four criteria and their subcategories have been defined, and an example is also provided. In short, chapter 2 focuses on providing a theoretical definition for the assessment criteria by grouping them into different subcomponents.
Chapter 3: Task Analysis
The third chapter of this book is Task Analysis, which is an essential step before answering any IELTS writing task 2. To analyze a task, candidates should know different sections of an IELTS writing task 2. So, the chapter first introduces different sections of a task. Each task consists of two distinct parts: The Statement and the Question Task. Then, the chapter focuses on introducing three essential steps in Task Analysis. The first and second steps should be followed in the first part of an IELTS writing task 2, and the third one should be followed in the second part of the task, which is called the Question Task. In the first step, the Main Idea of the task should be extracted from the Statement. In the second step, the Controlling Idea Words should be extracted from the Statement. In the third step, candidates should pay attention to Instructional Words or Action Words to identify Task Type.
Chapter 4: Task Types
The fourth chapter focuses on introducing different Task Types. There are five different Task Types: Discussion Essay Questions, Opinion Essay Questions, Advantages and Disadvantages Questions, Double Question Essays, and Mixed Design Essays. To get a high score in IELTS writing task 2, identifying different Task Types is necessary. The chapter then focuses on introducing different types of the five general Task Types. There are three different models of Discussion Essay, Opinion Essay, and Advantages and Disadvantages Essay. There are four different models of Double Question Essay. Finally, a Mixed Design Essay includes one model.
Chapter 5: How to write an effective introduction
The fifth chapter of this book teaches candidates how to write an effective introduction. The introductory paragraph of each essay is an essential step to gain a high score. There are five different steps in writing an introduction: 1. Analyze the Task, 2. Plan Your Essay, 3. Paraphrase the Statement, 4. Thesis Statement, 5. Outline Statement.
Chapter 6: Analyzing Discussion Essays
Chapter 7: Analyzing Opinion Essays
Chapter 8: Analyzing Advantages and Disadvantages Essays
Chapter 9: Analyzing Double Question Essays
Chapter 10: Analyzing Mixed Design Essays