Unlock IELTS Reading is a complete study guide for the Reading Section of IELTS.Ask yourself these questions to see if the book is useful for you:Do You Struggle To Complete All Passages In 60 Minutes?In this book, you will learn how to skim and scan the text in lesser time and locate your correct answer quickly.Do You Lose Time Shuffling Between Question And Text While Seeking The Answers?Learn how to use the four-step process to get the correct answer in the shortest possible amount of time.Do Matching Headings, T/F/NG And Y/N/NG Questions Always Trick You?Understand the four-step approach to get the correct answer.Do You Spend Time Understanding Every Detail In The Passage?Learn how to find the main idea of the text along with the techniques of context reading in order to filter out information and arrive at your correct answer.Do You Find It Difficult To Comprehend The Passage?In this course, you will learn proven techniques that you should practice for 15 days to become comfortable with diverse vocabulary, topics, and types of passages that will help you significantly raise your score.Do You Know Why Most People Are Stuck At 6 Or 6.5?Learn the dos and don’ts for each question type you need to improve your score.If you answered YES to any of the above questions, this book is for you…